Seaworthy Coffee Roasters
I wish you could smell it.
When you walk through the Jenna’s door, you feel a gentle warmth of freshly roasted coffee, nuttiness, and maybe a hint of chocolate waft over your senses.
There’s nothing else like it.
In a world full of styrofoam cups, caffeine memes, and espresso-infused-energy drinks, it’s easy to lose sight of what makes up a good cup of coffee.
Jenna showed us exactly what goes into slow-roasting her beans and why that results in a cup with a deep flavor, fuller aroma, and lower acidity.
Don’t just take our word for it though, see for yourself or pick up a bag at SoCo Bread in Wakefield, Rhode Island.
Director & Cinematographer: Alex Bouthillier
Producer & Audio: Ron Cowie
Script Supervisor: Meg Bouthillier
G&E & BTS Photos: Scott Mullaley